Message Outline

Art of Attraction

Pastor Joel Stockstill
Sunday, Aug 10, 2014

Text- Song of Sol. 1:1-5 NLT2

Note: The world goes from first sight to first night. This is NOT the best way! There is an alternate route, the way less travelled, the godly way that has worked since Creation.

Different (holy) Path of ATTRACTION

1. Sound- Song of Songs, more wonderful than any other.

  • When you do things God’s way, it is above any other experience that man can create.

2. Touch- Kiss me and kiss me again, for your love is sweeter than wine.

  • Words stimulate attraction, but touch intoxicates our soul.

3. Smell- How fragrant your cologne. Your name is like its spreading fragrance. This is both literal and figurative.

  • Literal- speaks to uncovering their personal habits and hygiene.
  • Figurative- knowing their integrity and reputation.

4. Purpose- Take me with you, come, let’s run!

  • Do you have the same direction? Do you share similar dreams? If not, you may be attracted but not truly compatible.

5. THEN Intimacy- The king has brought me into his bedroom. Now the bedroom can commence!

  • The world puts this before anything else. The Kingdom of God puts this last. Choose whom you will serve today!

1. Spiritual Attraction- ch. 1

  • Adoration- vs. 4b
    • Women- don’t settle for simply being admired. Admiration can come and go, but being adored is a gift from the Lord. It is the spiritual dimension that releases true adoration from a man of God.
    • Men- nothing will satisfy the longing of your soul more than a deeply spiritual woman that you connect with spirit, soul, and body (in that order).
  • Purity- vs. 6-7
    • Don’t wander around like a prostitute!- This means you should focus on “leading your flock” in paths of righteousness and purity.
    • Singles- walking in sexual purity
    • Married- abstaining from flirtatious behavior and compromising situations with the opposite sex
  • Covering- Stay near the shepherd’s tents (vs. 8). This represents the church. Camp out near the presence of God and godly leadership to make sure you stay focused on what is important in your walk with the Lord.

2. Emotional Attraction- ch. 1

  • Exciting- vs. 9- In the second phase of attraction, we start with the art of conversation. Is your conversation exciting? Does it stir passionate dialogue?
    • Man- does she engage you intellectually?
    • Woman- does he connect with the passions of your heart (emotionally)? Can he listen to your interests? Is there anything beyond surface level happenings discussed?
  • Lovely- vs. 10
    • Woman- does he notice your beauty? Can he give you a decent compliment? This will be the most romantic he will ever be!
    • Man- do you see the “string of jewels” around her neck? Do you see her gifts and abilities? Is she capable? What CAN she do (well)?
  • Enchanted- vs. 12
    • Woman- do you think of him when you’re dreaming of the future? Can you see yourself happily married and having his children?
    • The Dream- vs. 16-17 She is envisioning their home together. She feels that he will provide a home that is customized to her desires.
    • Man- When you are not with her, does she seem to constantly drift into your mind? When you are having casual conversation, does her name seem to leap off your tongue? Is there something enchanting about her name?

3. Physical Attraction- ch. 2

  • Lily- vs. 2
    • Man: Your wife\love interest’s beauty distinguishes her from all else. Her spiritual and emotional attraction makes her physical appearance go far beyond your attraction to anyone else.
  • Apple Tree- vs. 3
    • Woman: He is the pick of the orchard! Your man provides security and shade. Your man provides for you. He is strong in leadership and character.
  • Promise of Purity- vs. 7 Don’t awaken love until the time is right.
    • It may seem like the right moment to commence with physical intimacy but it is not! You will have to stay tuned in our series for the next installment of our series on dating\courtship!


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