Message Outline

Building Your Capacity

Pastor Joel Stockstill
Sunday, Mar 8, 2020

Until you increase your capacity, you can never increase your impact! @hippofloat

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck:

In a fixed mindset, people believe their qualities are fixed traits and therefore cannot change. Alternatively, in a growth mindset, people have an underlying belief that their learning and intelligence can grow with time and experience.



  • I’ve tried to change and it didn’t work.
  • People can’t change. They are who they are.
  • I’ll always be this way. I was born this way.


  • I can learn new things. I can do hard things.
  • If I put the work in, I can change.
  • My potential is limitless.

TEXT: Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps (Matthew 25:1-4 ESV).

1. Expand your spiritual capacity - You are limited in your IMPACT without expanding your spiritual capacity.

  • Limited spiritual capacity:
    • Apathy - Have you lost your passion?
    • Busyness - What is taking up all your time?
    • Self-absorption - Have you taken back the throne?
  • Expanding spiritual capacity:
    • Daily devotion - Daily time in His presence
    • Walking through adversity - Proverbs 24:10 ESV: If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.
    • Stepping out - As you pour into others, the Holy Spirit gives you more.

2. Expand your THINKING capacity - You are limited in your assignment without expanding your thinking capacity.

  • Limited thinking capacity:
    • Surrounded by the same ol’ folks
    • Not reading regularly
    • Endless media engagement
  • Expanding thinking capacity:
    • Learn outside your comfort zone.
    • Dialogue with people outside your circle.
    • Remember: Small minds never produce big impact!

3. Expand your physical capacity - You are limited in your ENERGY without expanding your physical capacity.

  • Limited physical capacity:
    • Too old. Too tired. Too busy.
    • These are my genes.
    • I’m not a disciplined person.
  • Expanding physical capacity:
    • You will never go beyond your body’s ability to carry you!
    • Have a long-term perspective.
    • Little by little. Day by day.


  • Which of these three areas needs extra oil?
  • What can you do daily that will help you expand your capacity in that area?

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