Message Outline

I'm Called

Sunday, Apr 11, 2021

1. Embrace Your Place

  1. Moses was TENDING Jethro's flock. 
    1. We often know of David in pastures and being called from there, but God called Moses in the wilderness.
  2. The call of God isn't something we OBTAIN its something we OBEY
    1. Moses was obedient to tend the flock he was entrusted with
      1. How are you tending to what is right in front of you right now?
      2. Maybe we don't need a different place, but a different perspective.
  3. Where you are standing is HOLY GROUND.
    1. Before the presence of God, it's a desert, when the Presence of God shows up its holy ground.
    2. You may feel that your job or your school is a desert.
    3. If God's presence is there, it's holy ground!
  4. Never underestimate the MUNDANE.

2. Encounter God Daily

  1. God called out His name twice, a sign of affection to the hearer.
    1. The presence of God is where we hear Him most clearly.
      1. We are called to SOMEONE before we called to SOMETHING.
      2. Jesus tells the disciples, "Don't rejoice that demons submit to you rejoice that your name is written in the lamb's book of life!" LUKE 10:18-20
    2. How do we do this? PRAYER, BIBLE READING
  2. The presence of God is a HOLY thing.
    1. Moses had to take off his shoes in the presence of God. Let's return to reverence for God!
    2. What has to be laid to the side?
      1. Relationships?
      2. Bad habits
      3. Wrong motives
      4. Bad attitudes 
  3. Without closeness with God, we will create our own call.
    1. Anything we try to do in our own strength will flounder
    2. Any calling without a MISSION will always result in emptiness.

3. Engage the Call

  1. So I Have come down to rescue! (He SEES, HEARS and is CONCERNED)
    1. God makes it clear He reaches people through us, but He is the deliverer.
    2. God cares more about the people we are called to lead than we do. 
    3. He hears the cries of His people, and we partner with HIM. 
  2. Moses' response to the initial call was, "Here I am."
    1. God doesn't need anything but your obedience! 
  3. We have to shift towards thinking about ETERNITY.
    1. This DOESN'T always mean that it's PUBLIC.
    2. But it can be PURPOSEFUL.
  4. Moses didn't have it all together; in fact, he wrestled with God about His limitations. 
  5. What is our call?
    1. It's not a place or a position. 
    2. It's a PERSON AND a PEOPLE
    3. The Person of Jesus (John 15:4-5) "abide in me and I in you."
      1. Pursuing Him daily, reading His Word, community with His people
    4. The people around you (Matthew 28:19) "The great commission."
      1. He SEES, HEARS, and is CONCERNED with those in our families, jobs, cities. We are the answer to others' prayers.

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