I. Rest is BALANCE.
- YOUR LIFE IS A FINE BALANCE. Rest comes from alignment.
- "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will GIVE you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and LOWLY IN HEART, and you will find rest for your SOULS. For my yoke is EASY, and my burden is light"
(Matthew 11:28-30 ESV).
II. "R": Maintain your ROUTINE.
Luke 4:16 ESV -"As was his CUSTOM, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day."
- Morning routine-Great leaders plan their morning routine for success.
- Work routine-Try to keep your work routine under 50 hours per week.
- FAMILY routine-Have a family night and date night each week, and 15 minutes daily alone and focused on each child.
- Meal routine-Have one meal a day together, with the smallest meal at supper, 11 hours before "break-fast."
- Sleep routine-In bed by 9-10, up by 5-6.
III. "E": Manage your EMOTIONS.
Luke 10:41-42 ESV: "Martha, Martha, you are ANXIOUS and TROUBLED about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her."
- MARTHA WAS "REST-LESS." Her emotions got out of balance while she cooked a meal. We deal with cell phones, schedules, money, news cycle, etc.
- Try this to keep your emotions balanced:
- PERSPECTIVE-Put EVERYTHING out into eternity.
- MARGIN-Space your life out better.
IV. "S": Remember the SABBATH.
Hebrews 4:10 ESV-"For whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his."
- God made the Sabbath for man.
- God will make you more productive if you give Him the first day of the week.
Your SOUL needs a Sabbath.
- Personal day off
- Weekly Sabbath
- Annual vacation
V. "T": Conquer your THOUGHTS.
Isaiah 26:3 ESV-"You keep him in perfect peace whose MIND is stayed on you, because he TRUSTS in you."
- Monitor your MIND-Satan wants to drop a seed of UNREST into your mind.
- Take thoughts captive-Rebuke it out loud.
- TRUST in the Lord-"Trust" is a word for a baby lying back in the arms of its mother.