Message Outline
Satan and Demonic Power
Pastor Larry Stockstill
Wednesday, Jul 11, 2018
I. The ORIGIN of Satan and demonic spirits
Ezekiel 28:2, 12-"prince of Tyre" and "king of Tyre"
- Beautiful (vv. 12-13)
- Musical (v. 13)
- Holy, anointed (vv. 14-15)
- Corrupted (v. 17)
What are demonic spirits?
- Where did they come from? There are two theories:
- One-third of the angels that fell with Lucifer
(Revelation 12)
- The spirits of the Nephilim
- Demons are disembodied spirits. They seek a body of a person or an animal to manifest themselves in.
II. Seven ARENAS of demonic power
- Apostasy-doctrines of devils (1 Timothy 4:1)
- Business-addiction to money
- Politics-prince of Persia (Daniel 10:13)
- Crime
- Occult
- Disease
- Morals
III. STRONGHOLDS of demonic power
- Nations (Daniel 10:13-Persia)
- Cities (Revelation 2:12-Pergamos)
- People
IV. DISEASE and demonic power (Luke 13:11)
V. SYMBOLS of demonic power
- Symbols and emblems are for worship of Satan's power.
- Idols
- Crystal balls and ouija boards
- Heathen curios and idols
- Horoscopes, fortune-tellers
- What should you do? Burn them (Acts 19:19).
VI. Seven STAGES of demonic activity
- 1 - Regression-going backward, backsliding
- 2 - Repression-no joy, no expression. It holds back the NATURAL EXPRESSION OF LIFE.
- 3 - Suppression-greater pressures, more intense and overt against the human soul
- 4 - Depression-a broken spirit, pressed down until the spirit is crushed
- 5 - Oppression-Acts 10:38 KJV: "...oppressed of the devil"; means to carry a burden that crushes you
- 6 - Obsession-needs outside help to be free; a total preoccupation with an idea or emotion
- 7 - Possession-absolute, total control of the devil; no mind of your own
VII. Christians and demonic power
- Knowledge brings authority.
- Submit to God...resist the devil (James 4:7).
- Stay on the right side of the border.