As we go out this year in missions around the world agree with us for the following;
God, we pray that your Kingdom would extend to the whole Earth. That the Gospel would speed ahead and be honored in every nation accompanied by the fullness of the Holy Spirit and that unbelievers would be saved around the World.
God we pray for boldness to preach your word with miracles, signs and wonders following. That each team would walk in authority over every demonic spirit and that strong leadership would be established around the world. God, give success to our missionaries and strategic wisdom in evangelism and discipleship as our teams serve in unity and harmony with them.
God, we pray for a heart that would discern and know you will. We pray for a deeper sense of hope, for spiritual strength and endurance to see it accomplished. God, increase our faith to see the mighty power of your hand at work in Jesus name.
God, we pray that you will cover us as we go into all the world this year. Mighty God we pray that we would see great works done, that we would walk in holiness and be protected from the evil one. God, give us a greater sense of your power at work within us. God we pray that you would mobilize the body of Christ in missions in this year amen.