"You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a HOLY PRIESTHOOD, to offer SPIRITUAL SACRIFICES acceptable to God through Jesus Christ" ~ 1 Peter 2:5
- Psalm 150: "Praise ye the Lord"
- Psalm 118: "The Lord is GOOD, and His covenant love endures forever."
- Psalm 100: "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Come before His presence with singing. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise."
- Psalm 23: "The Lord is my Shepherd…"
- Hebrews 13:15: "Let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name."
2. WORSHIP (Hebrews 10:19-22)
- Confidence (v. 19-20): "I HAVE CONFIDENCE TO ENTER THE HOLY OF HOLIES (as a priest) by the blood of Jesus. He opened the veil with His torn flesh. I have a great High priest, Jesus, the Son of God, who is touched with the feeling of my infirmities" (Hebrews 4:15)
- Covenant (v. 21): I DRAW NEAR TO GOD with a true heart in FULL ASSURANCE of faith (not afraid, guilty, or ashamed). My conscience is sprinkled clean by the blood of Jesus and my body is washed with pure water (in baptism).
- Confession (v. 22): I HOLD FAST TO MY CONFESSION (my spoken agreement with the covenant promise), without wavering (looking at the contradiction), for He who gave the Covenant promises is faithful to fulfill them.
3. CONFESSION (Psalm 103:3-4)
- Forgiveness (v. 3): "I am saved, born again, born of God, a new creation, a son/daughter of God, a joint heir with Christ and I am seated with Him in heavenly places."
- Healing (v. 3): "I am healed according to the covenant promise of 1 Peter 2:24. I speak to every system of my body (head, eyes, ears, nose, throat, shoulders, arms, elbows, fingers, heart, lungs, lower abdomen organs, back, hips, bone marrow, blood, nerves, knees, feet) and I called them HEALED. I do not stagger at the contradiction of my body to the covenant, but declare the blood covenant promise that "By His stripes I was healed."
- Freedom (v. 4): "I am redeemed from the curse of the Law and set free from every bondage, habit, negative emotion and spoken curse."
- Fulness (v. 4): "I am crowned with the Holy Spirit and walk in His anointing and power. The Spirit leads me every day in every situation and decision. I have the nine fruit of the Spirit and walk in the nine gifts of the Spirit."
- Finances (v. 5): "I am blessed financially with the blessing of Abraham. I am a tither like Abraham and have open windows of blessing pouring out over me constantly. My God will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19).
- STAND (Ephesians 6:12): "I put on the armour of God upon me and STAND in resistance against every attack of the enemy."
- RESIST (James 4:7): "I submit to God and RESIST the devil and he will FLEE from me."
- WALK (Psalm 91): "I declare the promises of Psalm 91 as I WALK in VICTORY over my defeated foes."