Video Series

B-Group Leader Orientation Video Series

B-Group Leader Orientation

Are you leading a group for the first time? Or maybe you feel like you don‘t know what you are doing? Don‘t worry! This short video series will help equip and encourage you on how to lead others in a small group setting.

Part 1: Welcome to the team!

Jennifer Zachary

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Part 2: Where do I start?

Anthony Brown

Here are four easy tips to help you prepare for your first meeting. Whether you are just getting started or have been leading for years, these four tools are essential for small group leadership.

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Part 3: Leaders Cultivate Life Giving Relationships

As leaders, we get the privilege of cultivating a place for people to come together, grow in the Lord and build healthy relationships with others.

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Part 4: Bringing Someone Through Life Family Purpose

Cardiff Booth

No matter a person's season in life, there will always be a next step for them to take. Discovering what that is can be life-giving for an individual.

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Part 5: Our B-group Leadership Structure

Jennifer Zachary

Every B-group leader is placed in one of our six hubs. Here's a brief breakdown of each hub and the purpose behind it.

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Part 6: Finishing Strong

Dr. Kristina Sanchez

Finishing strong means bringing others with us. Learn how you can become a leader of leaders within your B-group. Each semester brings an opportunity to see the potential in someone else.

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Part 7: Congratulations!

Jennifer Zachary

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