Joy In All Seasons

Bgroup Lesson Part 1 of 4

The Big Idea

God has given us the ability to be joyful in every season. It is not a feeling but a choice we make within to rejoice no matter what external circumstances surround us. With true joy, we can experience the fellowship, furtherance, and faith of the gospel. 

Key Scriptures:

Philippians 1:3-9 - Context: While in prison, Paul writes a letter to the church in Philippi and expresses how he prays for them with JOY while they are in his thoughts. He encourages them with love to continue their fellowship with one another to grow in knowledge and understanding.

Philippians 1:12-18 - Context: Paul encourages the church while explaining that his imprisonment has helped him share the gospel of Christ with the guards. In turn, this gave the other prisoners confidence to proclaim the gospel. He rejoices in the fact that Christ’s message is spreading either way.

Philippians 1:20-26 - Context: Paul is experiencing joy in his faith. If he dies, he will be with Christ. If he lives, he will continue to spread the gospel and see the Kingdom advance.

Main Point:

Joy is a defining characteristic of our faith. Biblical joy is not just an emotion, but is an internal, conscious choice based on Christ.

1. Happiness is external and fleeting, but JOY is INTERNAL and long-lasting.

Paul was in prison for years. The book of Philippians would not exist today if he only relied on happy moments.

Question: Think of some things that make you “feel” happy. Do they bring you joy that is long-lasting? What are some ways you can have true joy that endures?

2. Happiness is based on circumstances, but JOY is based on CHRIST. 

It seemed like Paul had every reason to be full of sorrow. While most would see chains that held him back, he saw an opportunity. Although he was in prison, he had Christ at the center of his life.

Question: Can you share a time in your life when you were surrounded by sadness, perhaps because of a loss or negative experience, but the joy of Jesus flowed out of you anyway?

3. Happiness happens by chance. JOY happens by CHOICE. 

Paul could have just as easily not been arrested, and he would have been happy in continuing to spread the gospel outside of a prison; However, he made a choice to rejoice, even though he was imprisoned.

Question: Have you found that the practice of being joyful has helped you during life's difficult moments? What are some small ways to help you CHOOSE joy?


This week, choose for your spirit to be full of JOY as you rely on Christ. With this perspective, you can experience the fellowship, furtherance, and faith of the gospel in a new way.

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