Keeping an open hand

Bgroup Lesson Part 3 of 4


What was your favorite vacation or escape spot as a kid? What made it your favorite?

Big Idea

With only five loaves of barley bread and two fish, Jesus was able to feed thousands of people. To the amazement of everyone there, not only was each one fed, but there were twelve baskets of leftovers. Each of us has something that God can use to advance His kingdom. In our own eyes, it may seem insignificant and of little value, but we must remember that anything we give to God is no longer common but is a potential miracle when placed in the hands of the Master.

Key Scriptures

  • John 6:6–13
  • Mark 12:41–44
  • Ephesians 3:20

Main Points

1. God takes what is available and multiplies it.

The little that is in our hands becomes much when God touches it. Moses’s staff became a serpent. Elijah’s stick caused an ax head to float. Ordinary fishermen became leaders of a world-impacting movement, and five loaves and two fish became more than enough for over five thousand hungry people. 

2. God uses what we bring.

God can create anything out of nothing but allows us to participate in His miracle by giving what we have. No matter how large or small, every gift, every sacrifice can be trusted to Him to be used to its fullest potential. You can trust that God will never waste what you entrust to Him.

3. Comparison is the thief of joy.

God sees the heart behind the offering of our gift. Mark 12:41–44 is the account of a poor widow who brought her meager offering to the temple and dropped it into the offering box. Many rich people had brought large amounts of money, but it was the two pennies of this poor widow that caught the ear of Jesus. It was not the size of the gift but the heart behind it that impressed Him.  

4. Be ready for the unexpected.

To the amazement of all who shared in the meal, five loaves and two fish became abundant food. We should have a heart of expectation that God will do more than we could ever ask or think with what we offer to be used by Him.

Discussion Questions

  1. Who are some gifted people that you know in the body of Christ that God is using?
  2. Why do you think so many believers keep their gift hidden and never use it to its fullest potential?
  3. Does reading about the miracles in Scripture stir your faith for what God could do through you? Explain. 
  4. How can you see yourself being a blessing to others around you by using a gift, talent, or ability that you possess?


Each gift/talent can be used in the body of Christ. Next Steps is a great place to explore your gifting and see where it fits into what your local church is doing. If you have not attended Next Steps, be sure to begin now. If you have not read Purpose II, now would be a great time to discover what missional living looks like for you. 

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