Bgroup Lesson Feb 09
Big Idea: In today’s lesson we will look at two different seasons of life. The season of singleness and the season of marriage. Our goal is that no matter what season you find yourself in, you make the most of the opportunity. Have a goal of bringing glory to God and leaving a legacy of faithfulness whether it is in your singleness or your marriage.
Key Scriptures:
The season of singleness is a great opportunity to get to know the God you serve better.
Martin Luther defined a god as “someone we expect all good things to come from and the one whom we run to in times of distress”. With this definition, a god could be a lot of things. We need to come to a place where the God of heaven is our only source.
Question: Was there a time in your life when someone or something was your source other than Jesus? What are the pitfalls of trusting in something other than Christ as your source?
A season of singleness is an opportunity to explore yourself, your passions, interests, and gifts. It is also a great time to build your character since you will need it to be a great partner in marriage. Responsibility, work ethic, and unselfishness are also areas to work on in this season.
Question: Character issues can make or break a marriage. From the areas mentioned above, choose an area of development and discuss a good example and a bad example.
Genesis chapter 2:19-20 shows us that Adam was actively serving the Lord before God brought Eve to him. Serving in the local church builds us spiritually and develops an attitude of selflessness. Marriage is serving one another and can only succeed when we live a life of putting others first.
Question: For some serving is an easy activity, for others, not so much. What are some carnal attitudes that can be challenged by serving? Explain.
Success in marriage is not a case of just being lucky but is a result of two things: the grace of God and applying biblical principles to your life. Let’s face it, men and women are different–different in so many ways but still 100% equal before God. One of the biggest mistakes we can make in marriage is ignoring this truth and trying to meet the needs of your spouse the same way that you would like your own needs met. We each, in our own way, bring something to the table to make marriage work.
As a husband, you should never assume that you know all there is to know about your spouse. You will discover new things about her as you stay curious and make the effort to keep getting to know more about her. Song of Solomon reads, “You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride, you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain.”
Question: How can a husband discover new things about his wife? What are some opportunities that can be created to learn and listen?
When children come into the relationship, women can feel the strain of fulfilling the roles of both wife and mother. Never lose sight of the truth that one day it will be just the two of you again. Truly one of the greatest gifts you can give your children is for them to grow up in a home where they see and experience a happy and healthy marriage example.
Question: What was it like around your home growing up? What type of example did you have before you? What would you like to see differently in your home?
In the book of Revelation, the Lord confronts the church at Ephesus because it had left its first love for Him. His charge was to go and do the things they did at first. As a husband, you must remember that whatever you did to get happily married is what you need to do to stay happily married. Date nights, flowers, and love notes will keep the romance alive in your marriage.
Question: If you are married, when was the last time you had a date night together or brought your wife flowers for no other reason except to express your love for her?
As a wife, your words have great power as it pertains to your marriage and your husband. Your words can lift him or crush him. Proverbs 18:21 tells us that the tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat of its fruit.
Question: What are some ways words can deflate a husband? What are some ways that you as a wife can encourage your spouse with words?