God the Son—Savior and King

Bgroup Lesson Part 5 of 17

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Even many people who aren’t followers of Christ still believe that Jesus existed, but what really matters is who Jesus was—and is. “Who is Jesus?”—that’s the most important question we can ask, and how we answer will ultimately shape our view on God, the Bible, and eternity. This lesson will point teenagers toward God the Son as the Savior of the world—and toward the truth that Jesus is fully God, fully human, and the only one qualified to pay the price for our sins.

Lesson Objectives

  1. WHAT: When we truly understand that Jesus is God and the one who saves us from sin, our love for him grows.
  2. WHY: Teenagers are drawn toward Jesus when they see how he paid the price for their sin—and because he was also fully human, he understands what they go through in life.
  3. HOW: Students will explore Scriptures that highlight how Jesus came as fully God and how he experienced what it’s like to be human.

Primary Scripture: John 1:1-14

Secondary Scriptures: Philippians 2:6-8; Colossians 2:9; 1 John 4:10-16

Let’s spend a few minutes exploring this passage of Scripture—a passage that is loaded with truth about who Jesus is.

1. Jesus is fully God

If I asked people at your school who Jesus is, what answers might I get?

What do these verses from John 1 reveal about Jesus—also known as the Word, and God the Son?

What word or phrase in this passage do you find most incredible—and why?

Look at verse 5—when have you seen Jesus be “light” that “shines in the darkness”?

As we spend time reading the Bible, we discover that Jesus is fully God—not just a good teacher or someone who challenged authority. For instance, he lived a perfect and sinless life—none of us has done that! He performed mind-blowing miracles: healing people who couldn’t walk, giving sight to people who were blind, and multiplying food to feed thousands of hungry people. And, to top it all off, he defeated death by coming back to life after his crucifixion!

2. When Jesus walked on this earth, he was fully human

Jesus understands what life is like here on earth—and he faced emotions and experiences, just like you go through. Why is that important to remember?

Read verse 10. When have you had a hard time recognizing Jesus?

Look at the next verse—why do so many people reject Jesus?

Jesus chose to become human and live on earth with us. Jesus knows what you’re going through because he went through it, too: He experienced feelings and emotions. He experienced pain and suffering. He also bled, suffered pain in his crucifixion, and died a horrible death. Because Jesus was fully human while still being fully God, he understands what you deal with in life.

2. Jesus paid the price for our sins

God created the world and everything in the world for good. But the world was damaged by evil and became broken. Way back in Genesis, Adam and Eve chose to sin and disobey God. Humans no longer had a good, right relationship with God—suddenly we experienced separation from God. But then God came to earth to start something new. God the Son came and lived a perfect and sinless life, and then he died on a cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus, God the Son, paid the ultimate price by dying—but then he also came back to life.

Would anyone be willing to take what I just shared and put it into your own words?

John 1:14 says that Jesus “was full of unfailing love and faithfulness.” When have you seen Jesus’ unfailing love and faithfulness in your life?

 Would anybody like to share your decision about who you believe Jesus Christ truly is, and how you came to that decision?

BGroup Questions

  1. When do you find it tough to believe that Jesus is who he says he is?
  2. Where do you need Jesus’ unfailing love and faithfulness in your life right now?
  3. What questions have you wrestled with when thinking about whether Jesus truly is God the Son, and is Savior and king? How did you find answers to those questions? Or if you’re still searching, how can we as a group help you?
  4. How is your decision about Jesus making a difference in your life today?

TAKE ACTION: Memorize this Scripture this week! “So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son” (John 1:14).

**Leaders, leave 3-5 minutes for prayer at the end of your group time. 

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