Bgroup Lesson Part 16 of 17
Young teenagers often have a lofty opinion of their wisdom and decision-making ability. Because their brains are developing at a crazy rate, they are able to think for themselves—pushing back on the ideas held by adults in their lives and attempting to make decisions on their own. Those of us who are “more mature” know that Jesus is eager to provide wisdom and understanding as we seek him. This lesson will guide your students toward that same valuable source of knowledge so they can make wise choices.
Primary Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-8
Secondary Scriptures: Proverbs 4:4-9; 12:1
What are five choices you’ve made today that you feel good about?
If you could go back and change one other choice you’ve made today, what would it be, and why?
In the passage we read, we’re warned to not rely on our own understanding. What does that mean, and why is that so hard to do?
What’s one choice you make because of your relationship with Jesus—a choice that your peers who don’t follow Jesus don’t make?
It’s easy to assume that Jesus has bigger issues on his mind than what music we listen to, which shows we watch, or what team we try out for. It’s true that God is in charge of everything, but he cares deeply about us and about all the little choices we make in everyday life. Jesus has the wisdom we need to make solid choices, and he wants to give that wisdom to us!
You don’t have to use the person’s name, but talk about a recent choice someone else made that affected you, either positively or negatively.
God designed us to live life together, not alone. How does that make life both easier and harder?
What’s one wise choice you’ve made that’s improved your relationships with other people?
Most of us know that relationships—with friends, family, classmates, teammates—are really important. But sometimes we forget how much better those relationships could be if we sought wisdom from Jesus. The next time you’re about to make a choice that you know will affect someone else, ask Jesus to help you make the right decision. This Scripture says he’ll show you the right path to take.
Think about this: You can quickly gain a bad reputation because of one bad choice, and then it can take a long time to get rid of that bad reputation. Like it or not, our choices cause people to see us in a certain way. As Christians, we bear the name of Jesus Christ. We can make choices that honor him and reflect him.
Let me read a statement: “It can take five minutes to gain a bad reputation and a year to lose that bad reputation.” Don’t mention any specific names, but do you know anyone in your life that has proven this statement to be true? If so, what can you learn from that person’s situation?
Obviously, all of us make bad choices in our life—what has been the path back from those choices for you?
Based on what you know about Jesus, how did he choose to treat people differently than what others expected, and why?
TAKE ACTION: Memorize this Scripture this week! “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).
**Leaders, leave 3-5 minutes for prayer at the end of your group time.