Hanging Out With Jesus

Bgroup Lesson Part 2 of 9

As we follow Jesus, we sometimes forget to spend time with him—or we choose to use our time in other ways. In this lesson, teenagers will discuss the value and joy of spending time with Jesus. Hanging out with Jesus doesn’t make him love us more than he already does, and it isn’t a way to earn “spiritual points.” It’s all about spending time with our best friend and discovering what is most important to him.

Lesson Objectives

  1. WHAT: Hanging out with Jesus isn’t a complicated spiritual habit—it’s simply the decision to find ways to draw closer to him and get to know him better.
  2. WHY: Teenagers benefit from seeing how anything that draws them closer to Jesus and helps them know him better is a “good” way to spend time with him.
  3. HOW: Students will talk about the value of spending time with Jesus, and they’ll discuss ways to build this habit in their lives.

Primary Scripture: Acts 4:8-13

Secondary Scriptures: Psalm 119:11

1. Spending time with Jesus helps you see what matters most to him

How has hanging out with your friends helped you discover what they care about and what matters most to them?

Based on what you know from the Bible, what’s one thing that matters a lot to Jesus? 

How did Peter and John reflect Jesus’ priorities in these verses?

It’s important to know what matters to Jesus—and it’s important to hunt for those answers in the right places. Read the Bible, and you’ll discover what matters most to Jesus—and read the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and you’ll really discover it!

2.  Spending time with Jesus changes you

If something matters to one of your friends, does it automatically matter to you, too? Why or why not?

Think about the things that matter to Jesus—give us an example of how one of those things matters to you, too.

What is one way you’re different today because of your friendship with Jesus?

Look at verse 13—Peter and John didn’t have “special training in the Scriptures,” yet they were bold guys. What does a “bold faith” really look like?

How are you becoming bolder or more confident in your faith because of spending time with Jesus?

Spending time with Jesus can help his priorities become our priorities, too. Spending time with Jesus can help us become bolder about our faith. Spending time with Jesus can help us become more patient and kind and compassionate. The change might not happen immediately, but when you center your life on Jesus, you’ll be able to look back and see evidence that you’re changing.

3. Spending time with Jesus can happen anytime, anywhere

Work together to create a list of ways you can spend time with Jesus—write down as many ways as you can think of.

Look at the list you created, and find one way you’re already spending time with Jesus—how is that helping you become better friends with Jesus?

Which of those ways would you like to begin doing, and why?

Bring everyone back together, and ask for volunteers to share answers to the previous questions, as time permits.

If you want to develop the habit of hanging out with Jesus, it’s okay to begin with one idea and let things grow from there. There are so many ways to spend time with Jesus. Prayer is important. Reading Scripture is important. Worship is important. Serving others is important. Solitude and contemplation and journaling are important. The list goes on and on. Jesus simply wants you to spend time with him—anything that draws you closer to him and helps you know him better is a “good” way to do it.

BGroup Questions

  1. How did today’s conversation challenge your idea of what it means to “hang out with Jesus”?
  2. Where’s your favorite place to hang out with Jesus? What’s your favorite time of day to hang out with him?
  3. How can we help each other hang out with Jesus more consistently?

TAKE ACTION: Memorize this Scripture this week! “The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13).

**Leaders, leave 3-5 minutes for prayer at the end of your group time. 

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