Simplicity, Sincerity and Sacrifice

Bgroup Lesson Part 8 of 12

Let’s be honest, the world is rife with tension. Literal wars, culture wars, infighting; although biblically this is foretold, we can still find ourselves grappling with the reality of the world we live in. But the reality for us as believers is that we operate in a spiritual realm. We are called to be set apart. Romans 12 says we are actually called to live our lives in a way that is counter cultural to the world around us. We’re called to walk in opposition - not in a violent or aggressive way - but in how we love others, care for people, and live our lives before the Lord and others. We are of a different spirit, we speak a different language - the Church is the remedy to the hurt seen around us. As we walk in the light of heaven here on earth, we are able, simply by the love of Jesus shining through us, to shine light into the dark places in our world. 

Let’s talk about 3 ways to live counter culturally using Paul’s writings to the Romans.  

Key Scripture: Romans 12:3-16

In this text, there are 39 different statements, or commands if you will, on how we are or aren’t called to live as believers. Ultimately, Romans 12 can be summed up into three words: Simplicity + Sincerity + Sacrifice.

1. Simplicity - Be Humble

“Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us”

  • 1 Peter 5:5-6 - “All of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
  • The life of a Christian should be marked by humility. 
  • When we clothe ourselves with humility, we can in-turn, enjoy peace and unity with one another. 
  • Humility does not mean that we are silent or passive, it means we have a gentle spirit and never exalt ourselves above God or others. 

Questions: In a world inundated with pride and self-exaltation, how do you maintain a pure and humble spirit? What areas in your life do you see pride creep in and what steps do you take to extinguish it? How has clothing yourself in humility affected your relationship with God and with others?

2. Sincerity - Be Genuine

“Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.”

  • Real love is unconditional - it’s a mirror image of the love that God has for us. It’s the type of love that led Jesus to the cross. Real love has no ulterior motives, it’s sincere and not tethered to performance or what someone can do for you. 
  • Real love honors people - it isn’t rude or self serving. It keeps no record of wrongs and it endures all things. 
  • “Be real, because fake is exhausting” - Rick Bezet

Questions: In what ways have you seen genuine, Christ-like love break down walls and barriers in your relationships with others? How has the love that Christ shows you defined the way that you love others? 

3. Sacrifice - Be Diligent

“Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.

  • Diligence is essential to Christian growth. The spiritual disciplines of the Christian life all require diligence - prayer, Scripture reading, evangelism, giving, and worship. 
  • Paul is encouraging us to always be diligent - to use the gifts God has given us, fully commit ourselves to whatever we put our hands to, be patient and always keep praying. 
  • A casual approach will never get you to the triumphant end of the spiritual race God has placed before you.

Questions: Are there areas in your life where you are diligent, patient, and steadfast? Are there areas of your life where you are not? Think about a time when you wanted to give up (praying, believing, contending), but you pushed through - how did the Lord show up on the other side of your diligence? 

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