The Action of Faith

Bgroup Lesson Part 11 of 12

BIG IDEA: Our words are powerful but what we genuinely believe will ultimately rise to the top. None of us without true conviction will continue to live a life we do not truly believe. We can try for a time to accomplish this on our own but without the action of faith, it will be impossible.  

KEY SCRIPTURES: Hebrews 11:1-2

MAIN IDEA: Paul was encouraging the hearts of the Jewish people who were not converts to Christianity. He needed them to see what faith in action really looked like. Paul used three faithful men from the Old Testament as great examples of what Faith requires. 

3 Examples of Faith:

1. Abel - We Worship by Faith 

Abel wanted to please the Lord with his offering. Abel realized it was better to obey than to understand. Cain completely overlooked any act of obedience as an opportunity to exercise his trust in God and live by faith.  

Question: Have you ever had a moment where the Lord required something of you that you did not understand? What was your response in that situation?

2. Enoch - We Walk by Faith

It is a freeing realization that God's greatest desire for us is to be in a relationship with us. Faith realizes the importance of walking in intimacy with God daily. Faith in action places our focus on our Creator and in return we receive a strength found only in Him. 

Question: What are some ways you have developed over the years to cultivate a life of true fellowship with the Lord? Can you share a practical example? 

3. Noah - We Wait by Faith

Waiting is a place we often find ourselves looking into the unknown desiring answers we don’t yet have. Noah was told to build an ark for a flood he had no comprehension of. His faithfulness in the unknown is one of the greatest examples of living out faith, certain that the outcome belongs to the Lord. It took more years to build the ark than the average person now lives. Noah chose faithfulness over understanding. 

Question: What are you standing in faith for today? Do you have a promise from the Lord? What does faith in action look like in your circumstances? 


In Hebrews 11:32-40, Paul concludes by recalling the many men and prophets who overthrew kings and shut the mouths of lions. These great heroes had earned a good reputation through their faith. 

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