A New Mind… A New You

Bgroup Lesson Part 2 of 9


We are jumping into Fall! What is your favorite thing about heading into a new season? What is your favorite season of the year?

Big Idea

If we were to go around the room, most would agree that the biggest struggle we face is in our minds. Our thoughts can bring us to a place of either victory or defeat. We must allow our minds to claim victory in every season, because this is how our worldview is created and shaped.

Key Scriptures

  • Romans 12:2 (NLT)
  • Philippians 4:4-8 (NIV)

Main Point:
Change Your World By Changing Your Mind.

1. Be Aware Of How You See Yourself.

John 5:1-9  When Jesus asked the young man, “Would you like to get well?” His answer was, “I can’t.” He had lost hope and now identified as a lame man destined to live out the rest of his life this way. Although he had accepted this disease, he was still by the pool. Many of us do the same thing. We say we believe in Jesus. We come to church. We serve… but we have allowed the struggles that we are facing to become our identities.

Question 1: Are there circumstances in your life that you are believing will never change? Maybe your first response would be to say, “Absolutely not, I trust the Lord!”  

Perhaps you have thought of one of the following: My marriage will never get better. I’ll never have enough money. I may as well get used to being single. It may not be your circumstance needing a change, but instead, your thought life.

2. Allow Others To Challenge The Way You Think.

This is why you are here, surrounded by other faith-filled people. We all need someone to challenge our thought patterns. Can you imagine our world without the people who have challenged the way we think? In the United States, women would never have had the opportunity to vote. Slavery would likely still exist. In the tech world, there would be no internet and no smartphones. 

Question 2: Who is challenging the way you think? Who are you allowing to sharpen your thoughts, so that you can claim victory?

3. Take Responsibility For Your Change.

Many of us may not have grown up with the best home life. You may have felt alone and isolated, but there comes a time when you must quit looking in the rear-view mirror. Your thoughts need to attach to God's word. Jeremiah 29:11 states, “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “to give you a future and a hope.” There is no space for the Lord to breathe new dreams into us if we are focused on the past.

Question 3: Have you ever been stuck in the past? Did you know that God wants to create a new heart and mind in you?


God's word is powerful! When we begin to declare his truth over our situation, something begins to shift in us. Our faith begins to grow and our authority increases. Take some time this week to find a scripture and begin to declare truth over your life. If you do not know where to start, just ask your Bgoup leader to help you find a verse. Let the power of God's word transform your heart and mind.

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