Changing Your Environment

Bgroup Lesson Part 4 of 9

Big Idea:

You are at your best when you are producing fruit. What comes OUT of you (nature) and what is AROUND you (nurture) can dictate how healthy your life is. When we plant ourselves in the Word of the Lord, we produce fruit in every season. Your environment changes your future. You can either struggle uphill or race downhill with the wind at your back.

  • The CROWD you are RECEIVING 
  • The CYCLES you are REPEATING!

Key Scriptures

Psalm 1:1–3 (NLT) - 1 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. 2 But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night. 3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.

A DOWNHILL environment is created when we have:

1. An ORDERLY environment

Will allow you to think clearly and work more effectively. If you are having trouble resting in your living space it may be that it simply needs cleaning.

Question: What is one daily habit that you can start create in order to become more efficient in keeping a tidy environment? Maybe you already have a great practice that you can share with the group.

2. A PRESENCE environment

Our goal should be to create an environment where God and man coexist. We should practice daily disciplines in our home such as Bible reading and playing worship music. 

Question: Do you have a daily practice that has worked for you in creating an environment for God’s presence? 

3. A STRATEGIC environment

You are going to have to exert your will to create the environment you       can succeed in. It will not always be easy or comfortable, but having a strategy for success will help you become the person you want to be.

Question: What are some ways that you can be more intentional about setting yourself up for success in your everyday routines?

4. A POSITIVE environment

Have an expectation that God WILL do something in you! Be encouraging with one another and rejoice in the Lord during every season of your life.


This week, take some time to evaluate your environment. Think through each area of your life and see where you are thriving, what can be shifted, and what needs to be removed. Ask the Lord to give you creative ideas to help you achieve a life-giving environment.

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