Change Of the Highest Order

Bgroup Lesson Part 3 of 9

Big Idea

God always brings order into chaos. When forming the universe, He brought structure to the void. He spoke light into darkness and put systems in place throughout creation. You and I are designed to live an orderly life, as we have been made in the image of God.

Key Scriptures

  • Genesis 1:1-2

Main Point: What does order do in our lives?

1. Order Brings Vision

When God first began creating the heavens and Earth, He saw them as incomplete but full of possibility. He had a vision for more. Order sees potential in the chaos.

2. Order Has an Action

God was moved to action after envisioning Creation. He said, “Let there be light,” and began building. We cannot remain in the vision stage forever. Eventually, we must be moved to action. 

Question 1: Many of us have great vision but do not always know how to apply it. On the other hand, some are great at taking action but often work themselves to the bone instead of asking God for fresh vision. Which of these resonates with you the most? Do you struggle more with having vision or taking action?

3. Order Creates Separation

In the same way that God understood the necessity of creating "space between the waters," we must also understand that healthy separation is vital. We should be able to separate good from bad, important from unimportant, and pure from impure in our lives.

4. Order Plants Seeds

Often, God’s strategy for order begins with planting a seed. John 3:18 states that “those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace.” In our relationships, we see positive fruit as we sow seeds of kindness, encouragement, and honesty.

Question 2: Is there an area of your life that lacks order? Think about your family, friendships, and home. Plant a seed! 


On Sunday, we also learned that order builds systems, creates beauty, establishes stewardship, and makes time for rest. Take some time this week to reflect on areas of your life that need order. Ask the Lord where to begin. For some of you, it may be as simple as writing an encouraging note for a friend or cleaning out that junk drawer we all avoid. If you would like to hear the message again, you can find it each week on Don’t forget to share your testimony with us!

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