Recognizing the Resurrected One

Bgroup Lesson Part 11 of 10

Big Idea: 
Jesus' own disciples failed to recognize him even after he told them he would die and be raised to life again. We have oftentimes been like the disciples failing to see him because it doesn’t fit our way of thinking. If we long to encounter Jesus there are three places he is guaranteed to be. 

Key Scriptures:

  • John 20:15
  • Luke 24:15-16
  • Luke 24:36-37

3 places we can encounter Jesus

1. The Mission Field

Jesus spent 40 days after the resurrection teaching the disciples. In Matthew 28:18-19 Jesus has called us to go and make disciples and in vs. 20 he promises to be with us as we go. Jesus cared about the lost and hurting and when we go, he goes with us.

Question: Have you ever been on a mission trip or desire to go on one for the first time this year? Share your experience.

2. Ministering to the Broken

Matthew 25:40 says, “Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me.” Jesus identifies with the broken, lost, and hurting. When we spend time with them, we spend time with him. Encounters with Jesus come when we slow down and see the needs of others around us such as a smile to a stranger or a listening ear to a broken heart. Opportunities are all around us and the exciting part is when we step out in faith to meet a need, he meets us and brings comfort only he can bring.

Question: Have you ever had an opportunity to unexpectedly share God’s love with someone? How did that experience make you feel about God’s love?

3. Embracing the Next Generation

It is evident from reading the Bible that Jesus loved the next generation. Matthew 18:5 says, “Whoever receives one little child like this in My name, receives Me.” When we care about the next generation we are positioning ourselves to encounter his presence in a real way. Where his presence is there is joy!

Question: Why do you think Jesus cares so much about the next generation and why should we?

Action Steps: This week we can all… 

  • Pray for missions 
  • Ask God to give us encounters with hurting people 
  • Give a listening ear to the next generation

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